
This package provides an helper to write cofunction with the help of Python generators. It provides a decorator that let you write the following paradigm:

from infrae.comethod import cofunction

def processor(**options):
    # Init code
    content = yield
    while content is not None:
         # Work on content, set result in result.
         content = yield result
    # Cleanup code

If you create more of those comethods you can nest them:

import logging

def logger(parent **options):
    logger = logging.getLogger(options.get('name', 'default'))'Start')
    content = yield
    while content is not None:
         result = parent(content)'Processed {0}, got {1}'.format(content, result))
         content = yield result
    # Cleanup code'Done')

And you can use it like this:

with processor() as process:
   with logger(process) as log:
      for item in generator():

Or alternatively:

with processor() as process:
   with logger(process) as log:

Where generator is a generator that yield values to work on. Of course, you can do more interesting things after.

You can find the Mercurial code repository at:

Available releases

Release version Release date Release files
infrae.comethods 1.0 2011 11 7 17:09:38 infrae.comethods-1.0.tar.gz

License: New BSD