Deprecated package
This product is no longer supported by Infrae. Use it at your own risk and please don’t request support. This product is listed here for archival purposes and developers who are using it.
Silva Facets
SilvaFacets is a simple toolset to allow faceted navigation in Silva. Different facets will be defined in the Silva root that can be called from any Silva Document in the hierarchy. Facets will essentially be instantiated Code Sources, or at least will implement the same interface.
Included in this version are:
- a Get Sidebar Facet: this will include a Silva Document in another Silva Document as a sidebar.
- a Multi TOC Facet: this allows TOCs of multiple paths relative to the document it is included in, optionally filtered by meta type.
Available releases
Release version | Release date | Release files |
Silva Facets 0.1.1 | 2013 6 21 10:32:55 |
SilvaFacets-0.1.1.tgz |
Silva Facets 0.1 | 2013 6 21 10:32:55 |
SilvaFacets-0.1.tgz |
License: New BSD